Signed in as:
Signed in as:
I have been making and selling things I craft since grade school. My Grandfather even owned a shop, and he sold jewelry I made there.
I have had many jobs, but I keep coming back to my Art! So, I will take the hint from the universe, I guess this is what I am supposed to do.
My parents both have great artistic talents, my mother even has a degree in Art. I studied many things in college, I have 3 degrees, I took plenty of art and design related classes. I have finally seen how people respond to my work and that fuels me even more than just the need for a creative outlet. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making it!
How I ended up as a spinner of yarn and maker of drop spindles was an odd journey, but I am here now. And with all of your continued support this adventure I am on will continue as this business grows. In the last few years since starting in this direction; there have been a few adjustments, but overall it is a good adventure, and the goals are only slightly adjusted.
The name of this business was not the original. As I sat at the computer trying to get all my 'ducks', squirrels, or cats (take your pick) in a row for this adventure, I noticed all the name ideas I had for this business was basically already in use. I didn't want confusion between brands, websites and all that. So out of some frustration I pulled up a list of Crystals and how they may influence a person energetically. After realizing most of the well-known names were also already used; I went to the end of the list and worked backwards. First the form of this crystal caught my attention, then I read "can aid in decision making", that was it!
Now looking back that fact that most people pronounce it as "Wave Light" doesn't bother me at all, I expected as much. However, I didn't realize that the fact that it is named after the discoverer, "Wavell" and as a mineral crystal they added "ite" to become known as Wavellite, has caused some confusion on its own. But for now, it will remain as "Wavellite with the double L", and I hope that people can find my website and social media sites. Someday I may have to re-brand, but if enough of you continue support and help by recommending "Wavellite with the double L" Creative, maybe it won't be necessary.
Pre-Order and be one of the first to get a Prototype of the Wavellite Wanderer, Little Foot Spinning Wheel